Thursday, December 6, 2012

More Office Spray Paint Action

I finally came to a decision on my office chair and decided to just take it from black to navy.  Not a drastic change but one that matches better.

During this spray painting session I also managed to turn my arms, legs and hair blue.  I need to stop spray painting on windy days but it seems like every weekend is windy.  No worries, after a couple of showers I eventually got all the blue paint off my person.  I also tackled a random little table that has been floating around my house since I moved in.  It doesn't match anything so it never really found a home.
Since gold and navy were the paints of the weekend, I gave this guy a face lift to match my office.

Nothing too exciting but it definitely took this little table from country bumpkin to city slicker, added a little class.  Now I have a place for my drink as I read in my new comfy chair.

1 comment:

  1. How nice of you to use spray paint in enhancing your furnishings. Good job!
