Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Cushion Down!

Most of the winter I've been noticing white fluffy polyfil littered around the back yard.  I kept assuming Biscuit was taking the guts out of her toys and either bringing them outside or "eliminating" them in the yard.  That is, until I noticed this:
It seems squirrels and/or birds have been picking stuffing out from my chaise cushion and using it for nests.  Do squirrels have nests?  Maybe it's just birds but I like to blame squirrels for things.  Luckily I wasn't too attached to this cushion.  I snapped it up on clearance at the end of a season and never really liked the colors.  I couldn't find any affordable cute cushions at Home Depot or Lowe's so this weekend I headed out to Gardenridge.  I swear their cushion selection and pricing can't be beat.  I picked up this cheerful cushion on sale for $23! 


It looks so much better than its predecessor.  And if I kill of my real flowers, at least I will have some blooms in the back yard.  I guess I should thank the squirrels, as much as that pains me.

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