Thursday, February 21, 2013

Glutton for Punishment

I have killed nearly every green living thing that I have brought into my house, not to mention several green things outside.  My outdoor skills are improving (slowly) but for the most part I've switched to fake plants on the inside.  This weekend I decided to give indoor plants another shot.  I really wanted a large plant in the living room.  I decided on the Fiddle-Leaf Fig.
It has beautiful big leaves!  In it's native habitat these things can grow to 40+ feet but since I'm growing it in a container I hope to grow it up to about 6 feet.  That is, if I don't kill it first.  Anyway, it's beautiful and was only $9.99 at Home Depot.  I'm really tempted to get more but I guess I'll see how this one works out first.

It is supposed to get a bunch of bright, filtered light.  Hmmm.  I may have to put it closer to a window for day to day living, and then move it back for company and such.  I'll keep you posted if I can keep this guy alive!


  1. You will love it! We have 2 and they are soooo easy - they grow like weeds too so don't be surprised when it doubles in size in a couple of months

  2. I'm not worried about you killing it; but what about Biscuit?! I know Gus would destroy it if I had one!

  3. Well, when I'm at work I put Biscuit in her crate to prevent unsupervised plant destruction. There are 2 plants in the kitchen that she ignores so hopefully that trend continues.

    Sadly, I don't think you can put a 1.5 year old in a crate.
