Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pablo's Present

I love my dog and all, but I'm not usually one to spend a lot of money on him during Christmas.  Part of the reason is my family does an excellent job spoiling him.  And the other reason is my lazy little chihuahua isn't much of a "player".  He's more of a sleeper.  This year I was feeling crafty and decided to make him a gift.  It looks like a toy but more than likely he'll use it as a pillow while sleeping.  Best part, it only cost me $0.80.

Really all I did was buy two pieces of felt and then sewed and stuffed it with stuff I already had on hand.  I drew a dog freehand on notebook paper and used that for my stencil.
I used some yarn to whip stitch the two pieces together, stuffing as I went.  Since Pablo isn't an aggressive player I wasn't worried about him getting to the stuffing and tearing it apart.  Gracie on the other hand would have disassembled this in 2 days tops.

It was a very quick project.  Sometimes you just feel like crafting and this hit the spot.

I decided to let Pablo give it a test spin when I finished.  I'm not positive but from these pictures it looks like he approves of his new toy/pillow.

After I confirmed his approval, I took it away from him and wrapped it up under the tree.  Trust me, Pablo's not that bright.  He'll still be surprised on Christmas morning.


  1. Aww, he loves it! Cute idea! Now make a loooooooong one for Shelby girl! ;)

  2. I don't know...A Shelby sized toy would require a lot of felt. I'm talking $1.20 in supplies! :) Maybe it can be a two parter, with half of her on one toy and the other half on another.
