Thursday, December 1, 2011

Crafting: A Cautionary Tale

It was bound to happen.  It was really just a matter of time.  Last night I had a crafting emergency.  No, I didn't run out of spray paint.  I didn't lose me tape measure.  I cut myself.  With a razor blade.  [Parents, breath.  I'm obviously fine as I'm blogging just 16 hours later]

Razors are sharp.  And when you need to remove stickers and glue residue from glass, they do the job without leaving scratches.  Unfortunately, one wrong move and they can cut you pretty bad.  Last night I sliced a flap off my finger about the size of a black eyed pea (the New Years Day treat, not the band).  And with it about 1/3 of my fingernail.  It bled and bled so at 8:45 I hopped in the car and headed to PrimaCare hoping to get in before they closed at 9pm.

My pinky now has a safety helmet
I'll spare you the photo I took once they got it to stop bleeding and instead show you my bandage.  They glued the flap down since it was too thin to stitch.  My crafting injury was fixed by....crafting of sorts.  I find this amusing.  I've never had a doctor glue me back together.  At least it wasn't a hot glue gun.

I spent about an hour at PrimaCare.  They were very nice.  It's amazing how fast they treat you when you walk in bleeding.  Of course, I already knew this because I also walked in bleeding in 2003 after cutting my foot.  The upside of this, I'm once again current on my tetanus shot.  Bring on the rusty nails!  While being treated I must have filled out or signed about 10 forms.  My shock was making me a little punchy:

Description of injury: razor sliced fingertip
Who was involved: me
What happened: crafting gone wrong
Where did this injury occur: home
When the accident occured: 8:15  11/30/11
Why did this injury occur: carelessness

So I'm now on the mend and going to be steering clear of razors for a while.  Luckily the cut and the tetanus shot where all on my left side.  This means I'm still good for our company's annual Christmas bowling tourney on Friday.  Team I Can't Believe It's Not Gutter is still poised for greatness!

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