Monday, December 19, 2011

Sacrificial Pinky Project

I finally finished the project that was slightly derailed by my pinky injury.  The night of the great pinky slashing, I had been removing labels from bottles using a straight razor blade. 
I had seen a pin on Pinterest that showed various bottles all painted white serving as vases on a table setting.  I figured it would be a piece of cake to replicate.  And it was...barring the fact that I almost removed a digit in the process.  Once my labels were removed I simply primed and painted them with my good ol' friends at Rust-Oleum.

I love the way they look fake or like props.  So generic.  I also love the raised details on the bottom of each bottle.

I've got them just hanging out on the bar right now.  I can't wait to use them on the dining room table with actual flowers.  I may even try to collect a few more bottles. 


  1. I love this idea! Hope the pinky is doing much better.

  2. My pinky has magically regenerated and is now on the mend! That was a close one!
