Monday, November 12, 2012

New Roommate, Take 2

So things didn't work out so well with Stewart and it was very sad.  Since then, I've been keeping my eyes on rescue dogs around the city.  I've been to more adoption events than I thought possible.  Yesterday, I grabbed my mom and headed over to Operation Kindness's no-kill shelter.  In just a couple of hours, my mom and I were wrangling this girl into the car.
Operation Kindness had her listed as a 2 year old Spaniel/American Cocker/Poodle mix.  She's a terrier mix of some sort.  Maybe a little Wheaten Terrier mix.  She looks very similar to my sweet Gracie that we lost a couple of years ago.
Gracie 2000-2011
Gracie was 25 lbs and short.  New Dog is 36 lbs with long legs.  Her name at the shelter was Adora.  Not the greatest name, especially considering I had just finished Gillian Flynn's book Sharp Objects with a horrible character by the same name.  She will now be known as Biscuit.

The ride home was a little crazy.  My mom had to sit with her in the backseat for the first leg of our journey back to my parents house.  She shook the whole way!  When it was time for me to drive her home, I had to get in the back seat with her and then climb up to the drivers seat.  Unfortunately she too decided that was a great idea and popped between my legs as I was climbing.  I thought I'd never get her home but she settled into the front seat and was good the whole ride.  Guess she just prefers shotgun.
Biscuit and Pablo get along as well as expected.  She follows him around and he growls at her.  That's true friendship for you.  She's settled in quite nicely, napping after sniffing around her new digs.
This morning she figured out she could get on the couch.  Oh well, I at least tried to curb that. 
She slept all night in the crate, whimpering just a little when I first put her in.  She is doing her potty business in all the right places and loving her dog food.  When the temperatures dropped this morning, we discovered she fit into Gracie's old polar fleece (which was always a bit big for G).
Hopefully our new roommate Biscuit will fit right in and like living with us! 

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