Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Stitched Placecards

Something about the cooler weather always makes me want to do needle crafts.  So strange, I know.  Every winter I pick up the crochet needle or start knitting.  I'm currently working on a needlepoint but when I ran across these patterns on Martha Stewart's website, I picked up my cross stitching supplies.
I didn't really have a plan when I started.  I just started mixing and matching the heads and bodies to create my family, or at least the ones I would be hosting for Thanksgiving.  My winter needle craft habit is evident by the fact that I had all these supplies in my possession. 
At first I thought I might put these in frames but then I wanted to add a take home treat element to the placecard.  Mason Jars!  Aren't they always the answer? 
I filled then with colorful M&M's...a family favorite, added a little stuffing behind each cross stitch and then created my lid.

A little corny, they added a fun little element to the table.  Hopefully I offended no family members with my rudimentary renderings. 
Not a bad little project and it only set me back about $10 for jars and M&M's....both of which I got to keep the leftovers.  Score!


  1. Those are so cute! You could totally sell those!

  2. We all love them and know were to take them for refills. The entire meal was fantastic and I give the presentation a 10.
