Thursday, March 8, 2012

Pablo's Garden

Since gardening attempt number one was paused due to snake infestation, I started on another garden area that I've been planning...
...the creepy back corner of my backyard where the graveyard-esque area was located.  Don't worry, no gross pictures today.

Since I moved the pavers closer in and put my glider on them, this area was just dirt and weeds.  Of course, most of my yard seems to be dirt and weeds but this corner was the worst.  I decided this would be a great place to plant Pablo's tree.

I started with some weed blocker that will kill off anything that survives my agressive Roundup spraying.

Then I just made a hole for my pine tree, dug it up and popped the tree in.
Eventually I will lay a stone border for this soon-to-be bed.  I will also plant a few more things and then finally cover it all with mulch.  This first year may not be beautiful but I hope it turns into a nice flower bed to anchor the back of my yard.

Pablo is very excited about his first namesake garden, although he will not venture far enough off the patio to go check it out up close. 

1 comment:

  1. I bet Hank will honor your garden when he visits next :)
