Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It's Raining...Leaves

'Tis the season for the leaves to start falling off the trees.  Not my tree, mind you, as it's an evergreen.  But every other tree located anywhere near my house (or so it seems). 
Above on the left you have my hearty live oak with deep green, still-attached leaves.  On the right you have the neighbor's tree with yellow, ever-thinning leaves. 

Here you can see leaves coating all my flower beds (and a few weeds I need to take care of).  I had every intention of remulching my beds but now I am waiting for the deluge of leaves to let up.

My entire lawn is covered in these trespassing leaves and after a rain last night, the street feels my pain as well.

I tried to clean up a bit this weekend using my trusty leaf blower.  Unfortunately the leaves just went everywhere including the street (which I think is illegal) and my neighbors yard (which I know is unfriendly).  Mowing (and mulching) didn't seem to do much either.  It's a lost cause.  Actually it probably just means I need to channel the pre-electric lawn tools days and buy a rake.  What would be really awesome is if the people who own the offending trees provided my lawn cleanup.  And with that sentence I just became the grouchy old lady that lives all alone whose house trick or treaters will start skipping.  Sigh.  Guess I better buy a rake.

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