Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pie Fail

I will spare you too many sob stories about my lack of pie-making skills.  Maybe I'll just sum it up with a couple of pictures and a couple of contributing factors that worked against me.

Unbeknownst to me my pies were doomed from the get go.  I bought the last two pie plates Target had in the store.  When I got ready to make my pie (using pie crust dough pre-made) I realized that the pie plate was 9.5" while my dough was for a 9" pie.  Doesn't sound like much but trust me.  The effort spent on trying to stretch my dough into place was enough to make me crazy.  The other problem my dishes presented was a 1.5" lip of glass that went around the edge.  A true baker could have worked around it but it had me perplexed as I tried to make fun crust designs (the sole reason I wanted to attempt to make a pie).  But I digress.  Onto the pie flops.

#1) The Chocolate Chess Pie

This one doesn't look all that bad fresh out of the oven.  I think it's biggest problem is that it sunk about an inch before it was actually served.  The surface of the pie vaguely reminded me of images shot back from the Mars Rover. 

#2) Dried Apple Cider Pie

I had high hopes for this one.  It's basically an apple pie made with dried apples that you rehydrate in apple cider.  Sound great, right?  And then I think I overcooked my apples.  And then my fabulous crust design flopped and burnt.  Yes, I used foil around the edges.  Somehow it didn't work for me.  I will add here that this is my first house to ever use a gas stove/oven.  I'm pretty sure I haven't quite mastered the temperature and that's why I keep burning stuff.  Regular food has been fine but most of my dessert items of late have fallen flat (some literally).

I will take all responsiblity for my failings.  My coworker, Sally, gave me these recipes and I guarantee when she makes them they are devine.  I have confidence that some day, withs lots and lots of practice, I will be able to make a pie.  I just wouldn't hold your breath while waiting.

On a positive note, I did solve a problem when it came to my presentation.  Since I had two pies (I use that term loosely), I needed two pie stands and I only had one.  A quick brainstorming session resulted in a faux-pie stand created with an upsidedown bowl and a plate.  Not bad!
Guess I should just stick to decorating and crafting and leave the baking to the professionals.

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