Thursday, April 26, 2012

And So It Continues

I just keep on planting.  I think part of my excitement is that this is really the first time that I've planted flowers that not only survive, but seem to be thriving.  I never had much luck at my condo.  I might have kept plants alive but I couldn't keep them blooming.  This year my green thumb is in full effect.  I decided to add some Knock Out roses to the back yard.  Since they become bushes, I figured they would be good against the back fence in the backyard.
I didn't create a real bed for them.  Instead I just dug big holes, filled them with better soil and rose food and then plopped them in.  I don't know if this is a good thing but I really just want the roses to grow as natural bushes and I don't necessarily need a whole flower bed.  We'll see how it works out for me.

They are tiny now but the should grow to about 3-4 feet tall and just as wide.  They seem happy and I already have a few blooms on them. 

Of course I can't pick up one plant without randomly throwing more in my basket.  I got this pretty purple thing for my daisy and lantana bed.  I brought home one with no stick nametag so I forgot what it is.

This bed layout seems odd.  I realize that.  But I'm trying to allow room for the lantana in the back to grow.  I'll be trimming the bed with white stones (like Pablo's bed) eventually and will probably reshape the front at the same time.  For now the goal is just keeping plants alive.  The last thing I added over the weekend was some impatiens to the front boxwood bed. 

I know it seems like I'm slowly handing over my life savings to Home Depot, but all these plants came to $20.  Not too shabby.  I figure that is the kind of weekly habit I can maintain for awhile without risking foreclosure. 

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