Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Free Art

They are in the process of cleaning out one of our storage rooms at work.  A couple of days ago I glanced  some foam board that was being thrown out.  One was an old presentation board but behind it were old aerials.  They were old school shots from helicopters; not Google Maps like the kids are using these days with its fancy satellite imaging.  I stared at one for quite a while, trying to figure out what city it was.  Eventually someone walked by and told me I was looking at it upside down.  Aha!  It was Dallas!  I saw the SMU stadium and then sure enough, there was my house.  Needless to say, I snagged it and ran it back to my office.
That's not stealing.  I swear it was in the trash pile.  And my house was on it.  It was definitely meant to be.  It's shot in color but apparently the world is pretty bland at that elevation.  I think the colors are going to go great with my dining room paint.

I think I will put it on this wall.  That piece of furniture will be gone soon and hopefully I will find an entry table to put in its place.  This aerial will hang above the table and the objects on the table (lamp/vase/decor/etc) will be bright bold colors.  Who knows, I might even spray paint the table itself a crazy color.  Either way, I think Dallas will make a great backdrop.

I will also find something a little more attractive than this "Sign Here" tag to point out my house in the future. 

Mockingbird runs along the bottom, and Greenville runs up the left side
How amazing is that for free trash art?  Also included in the aerial are some of my favorite stomping grounds...Super Target, Home Depot and North Park Center.  This was definitely meant to hang in my house!


  1. Way to go! I'm thinking a little antiquing gel over the entire thing might add a nice patina to it....
