Friday, April 20, 2012

Oops Paint

Everytime I'm at Home Depot or Lowe's I make a swing by their Oops Paint shelf.  This is where they sell their mistakes and returns for low, low prices.  In the condo, my laundry room was painted in Oops Paint Yellow.  A few months ago I snagged some Oops Paint Teal and I've been debating on what to use it on.
You can't pass up paint for $1.00!  The lid paint and the paint on the side of the can seemed to be different colors but I figured I liked both shades, especially for $1.
After I hung my Weeds art in the living room I decided I'd try my paint on my big ol' pine coffee table.  A $1 makeover sounds much better than buying a new coffee table right now.

It was great!  The color is closer to the paint on the lid, a blueish-green shade of teal. 

The pictures aren't great but if I use a flash the color is off.  Hank did a great job avoiding the wet paint.  Pablo never roused from his bed.  The color goes with the various other blues in the room.  It's actually very similar to the pom-poms I used in my kitchen.

I definitely think the coffee table works much better now.  The big chunk of pine stuck out like a sore thumb. 

Now it looks like the table actually belongs in the room.  I still need to seal the table to give it a little more protection but for now I'm just impressed with my $1 Oops Paint Makeover.

1 comment:

  1. Looks so good! You did a great job and I'm oh so impressed that you threw caution to the wind and didn't even use a drop cloth. That's some skillz.
