Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

After six months of exercise off-time while decorating and moving into the house, I decided it was time to get back in shape.  My old gym was too far from my new house so I never went.  The gym by my house that I wanted to join wanted me to pay $100 a month.  No thank you.  So instead, I took my gym budget and bought a new Elliptical machine.  My first thought was to get a machine for my office but then I decided that the nook in my bedroom would probably be a better space since that room is already set up with cable.
First thing I had to do (while diligently researching elliptical makes and models) was move my big chair to the office.  Like the couch that it used to match, this thing is massive.  I was almost worried it would be stuck living in my dining room.

Luckily, after removing two of the legs I was able to get it through all the neccesary doorways.

I ordered my ellipical from Amazon.com to save on tax and shipping and it showed up a week later.  I went with the Livestrong 10.0E after weighing reviews and features such as the weight of the flywheel.  I'll give the people at Livestrong one thing, they sure know how to efficiently pack a box.

Not an inch of space was wasted.  I took the parts out one by one and layed them out in my bedroom.

I will give Livestrong yet another thing, out of all of the items I've assembled in my house in the last 6 months this was the most practical packaging for parts I've ever seen.

Every part was grouped according to which step is was used in and it was labeled.  I just cut out each section as I got to its step.  It took a little over 2.5 hours to fully assemble and I had no leftover parts.  This is always a good sign!

I was too exhausted to use it after I got it together Friday night, but since then I've put several miles on it.  I think it's going to be the perfect answer to cool weather workouts. 

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