Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dining Table Makeover

With my chairs finished it was time to move on to the table.  Since I decided that my dining table was too heavy to move out back by myself, I opted to paint it in its place.  I pulled the table apart and inserted all the extra leaves so everything could be uniform.
I used a plastic tarp to cover the entire rug and then brought in my old curtains/drop cloths for further protection. I was a little concerned about being able to match the black semi-gloss spray paint I used on the chairs but then I made an awesome discovery at Home Depot.  RustOleum makes paint in cans! 
I had no clue.  I was able to buy the exact color in a semi-gloss.  First thing I did was lightly sand the entire table to get rid of the sheen.  The table isn't sealed but it's been oiled over the years.

I started my painting on the legs first.  I figured any starting off errors could be hidden under there.  Luckily all went well.  Next I did the trim since the grain goes in different directions from the surface of the table.

Even though my paint can warned against it, I opted to rolled on my surface paint with a dense sponge roller.  I'm all about breaking the rules.
I applied 3 very thin coats to get full coverage on the table.  It turned out great and looks so much better in the room now.  I finished it up with a couple of coats of Polyacrylic to seal and protect it.  Once everything dried I pulled out the extra leaves and shrunk the table back down to its everyday size.
Voila!  Now the only brown left in the room is that mirror hanging on the wall.  I'm still up in the air about what to do with it.  I could paint it black or some crazy bright color.  I'm going to think on that for a while.  In the meantime I'll be recovering my chairs.  You can see my new fabric that came in waded up on a chair on the right.  It's inside out so you can't see the pattern but I'm pretty confident it's going to be awesome!


  1. Looks really good and works in your room great.

  2. I think it looks great! Same with the bathroom. Really impressed with all the progress. Oh, and not that you're taking a vote, but I think you should do the mirror a crazy color! ;)

  3. I'm leaning towards crazy color too. But that means I have to pick a crazy color. Yellow? Orange? Blue? Purple? There are so many choices! I also think the 'T', 'E' & 'S' are going to get painted. I've got too much black going on.
