Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I'm Published!

Well, self-published that is.  As a special One Year in the House Anniversary present to myself, I found a company that would turn your blog into a photo book.  I used SharedBook (blog2print.com).  It only took about a week to have my new coffee table book in my hands.
It looks great!  I'm really impressed with the quality of the cover and pages.  You can specify a date range of posts you want included and you can even go through and edit (removing posts, adding pictures, etc).  Sadly, I apparently didn't utilize the edit and proofing features enough.
My House Becomes a House?!?  What?  At first I thought it was their mistake but then I realized it was mine.  I had the blog title section in my settings reading this way by mistake.  Sigh.  If my house is no longer striving to be a home but rather merely a house, does this mean I'm done?  :)  Oh well.  This will just be one of those things I look back and laugh at.

The inside pages read just like the blog.  I think it will be fun to be able to flip through and see the changes I made in my first year at my first house. 

 I promise not to make all my visitors go through the book when they visit.  But I may offer you extra cupcakes if you do.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! We have a book titled "Our trip trip the Bahamas" instead of Our trip to the Bahamas, sigh. Totally gonna steal this idea and do it for Weston's 1 year ;-)
