Friday, August 5, 2011

Cheap Paper Art, Day 3

I thought the silverware on this paper was fun.  It's got an antique feel to it but I knew I could find a way to use it in a more modern way in my kitchen. 
I found yet another old frame that I wasn't using around the house.  The color was boring but I liked the square shape.

I decided to spray paint the frame Krylon's Ivy Leaf that I already had on hand.  I totally felt bad about cheating on Rustoleum but I'm sure they'll understand.

I was scared the color would turn out looking like baby poop, but after two coats I ended up with a cheery chartreuse.
Though I've yet to start redoing the kitchen, I'm leaning towards blue or yellow for the walls so the frame should work.  Or I'll just paint it again!  I hung it on a preexisting nail hole for now.

$3 later, I have kitchen art!  And this concludes my three days of art for three rooms.  Pretty successful for $30. 


  1. Do we need to buy you some more flatware?

    The Parental Units

  2. That looks awesome! All your wall art does. You're inspiring me....
