Friday, August 19, 2011

Wally World

Driving home from work the other day I noticed a new Walmart opened up.  Enticed by the "Grand Opening" signs I decided to stop in.  I generally steer clear of Walmart because they tend to be very crowded and cluttered on the weekends, but since it was opening day and a Thursday evening I figured it was worth a shot. 

The shot paid off.  It was actually entertaining.  There were Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders signing autographs, a walking inflatable Chester Cheeto, Mavs Dancers and I got to see this guy up close and personal:

Larry O'Brien Trophy from the Mavericks big Championship win
I didn't need anything but still managed to pick up a couple of things that were too cheap to pass up.  I got a clock for my kitchen for less than $4.  I've found that it drives me nuts if I'm using the microwave and oven timers and can't see the actual time.  Problem solved!

Then I picked up a couple of frames for some 8 x 10" prints I'm hanging next week.  I had been meaning to pick some up at Target but ended up getting these for half the price.

Last but not least I grabbed some $5 flowers just because.  I like having the little bright flowers all around the house.  It makes things more cheerful.  And considering all the cleaning on my To Do list for this weekend, I can use all the cheer I can get!

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