Friday, August 12, 2011

Rock Chalk

I just took spray painting to a whole new level at my house.  I had no idea you could spray paint chalk board until I noticed a can on the shelves of Home Depot.  Yes, I regularly check out Home Depot's Rust-Oleum section seeing if there is anything I need.  For a few bucks I picked up a can figuring I could find something to use it on eventually.  Once home I remembered an odd piece of wood that came with the house, just propped against the wall of the garage.  I think it's a particle board shelf from some sort of shevling unit.  Who knows.  I don't ask questions, I just spray paint.
I took it out to my trusty paint box to sand, prime, and then transform it to a chalk board.

After a couple of coats and letting it dry for over 24 hours, I was ready to give it a spin.  First I had to take it in and attach nail sawtooth hangers to the back, completing its transformation from scrap wood to actual wall hanging.

I hung it in the kitchen opposite my silverware art and next to my fridge. I grabbed my chalk and 8th grade anxiety came rushing over me.  Yep, I still have horrible chalk board penmenship.  Some things never change. 
Maybe I can hire one of those guys that do fancy chalk board art at bars and restaurants to write my weekly grocery list and reminders. 

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